This page includes basic feature-by-feature configuration procedures, I must assume you have generated your IP addressing scheme for your network.
After your router boots, the following prompt displays:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialogue [yes]:
Enter no.
You want to clear an old configuration out of your router and return it to a factory default configuration. Before you begin your configuration on an old router that you have previously used for another purpose, it is a good idea to completely erase the old configuration:-
Router1#erase startup-config
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] <enter>
Erase of nvram: complete
Proceed with reload? [confirm] <enter>
After you erase your startup configuration file and reload, the router will enter its configuration dialogue mode.
— System Configuration Dialog —
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialogue? [yes/no]: no
Would you like to terminate auto-install? [yes]: yes
Press RETURN to get started!
There are different modes in the Cisco IOS command-line interface, there different modes have their primary functions and sets of commands.
The first mode you come across is:-
Router> – You are in User EXEC mode
Then type ‘enable’ and hit the enter key
You go to privileged EXEC mode which will display like this:
In this mode, you could ask or query (argument) the router for some information like:
Show? – The router will provide a list of information on its configuration which most times is very helpful.
Type ‘config terminal’ and hit the enter key to take you
into Global configuration mode:-
In this mode:
* you can name your router or hostname
*configure your telnet line and console lines
*Configure the console and telnet passwords.
*Interface configurations, Routing Protocols, etc.
Let’s do it one after the other:
Configuring telnet line and password:
Router(config)#enable secret cisco
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password cisco
Configuring console line and password:
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#password cisco
Configuring hostname or Router name
Router(config)#hostname HQ
Configuring interfaces connected to the router ports (fast Ethernet / serial ports)
HQ#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
HQ(config)#interface fa0/0
HQ(config-if)#ip address
HQ(config-if)#no shut
You may have noticed how the router name has changed from Router to HQ.
Configure the serial port with a number depending on the connected port number:-
HQ(config)#interface serial0/0/0
HQ(config-if)#ip address
HQ(config-if)#no shut
Configure the DCE interface (If the interface is a DCE) with clock rate:-
HQ(config)#interface serial0/0/0
HQ(config-if)#clock rate 64000